We teach God’s Word in hope that youth will come to repentance, place their faith in Jesus alone, and grow in relationship with God, His word, and His church. Our curriculum is created to ask and answer difficult questions, sharpen minds, point youth to churches, and build relationships. Additionally, we have created curriculum for local churches and small groups. Our curriculum is planted in primary & secondary schools, local churches, orphanages, and small groups in Uganda. We have partnered with Ugandan pastors to write over 80 weeks of Biblical curriculum that aims to glorify God in Spirit & Truth.
Biblical Resources Created
Ugandans Completed Biblical Curriculum
Bibles Donated
For schools: All government funded schools in Uganda are required to teach a religious course that paints Christianity and Islam as very similar religions: barely drawing fundamental distinctions between the Qu'ran and the Bible. Additionally, the teachers who teach this course are not required to know, believe or understand Christianity or Islam. In essence, the teachers are teaching to inform, not transform. “Sheep Primer”, “All about Jesus”, and “Following Jesus” are unique because Spirit-lead believers teach God’s word with the prayerful hope for students to be transformed, not just informed.
For local churches: Biblical literacy is low. Many pastors in Uganda teach a works-based salvation or the prosperity gospel. Additionally, many pastors are the only persons in their churches with Bibles. We equip churches with Bibles and equip pastors to train leaders in their churches to teach Biblical curriculum in small groups.
For local churches: Biblical literacy is low. Many pastors in Uganda teach a works-based salvation or the prosperity gospel. Additionally, many pastors are the only persons in their churches with Bibles. We equip churches with Bibles and equip pastors to train leaders in their churches to teach Biblical curriculum in small groups.
Son Mission values the transformative power of God’s word. Bibles are scarce in the Busia District. We donate Bibles to each school or church that teaches “Sheep Primer”, “All about Jesus”, and “Following Jesus”, so students and churches have free access to God’s word. We have given over 1,100 Bibles to students, schools, churches, and caregivers since 2016. Corporately and individually, our leaders teach Biblical literacy: scripture interpreting scripture within contextual and historical application. We consistently remind students and church goers that the entire Bible points to God’s glory and God’s sacrificial love for us through Jesus within four sweeping parts: creation, fall, redemption, and consummation.
Not everyone is called to be a Bible scholar, pastor or church planter. “Sheep Primer” goes through a 4-week exploration of the God-given abilities and desires He has given each student. Students go through an assessment that helps reveal their skills, characteristics and desires, which are linked to practical jobs within their community and beyond. God calls His people to put on Christ within their communities. Whether one is a pastor, nurse, teacher or farmer the purpose is the same for the Christian: bring glory to His name. “Sheep Primer”, “All about Jesus”, and “Following Jesus” illuminates true success as being obedient to His calling, not striving after temporary, fading endeavors.